Tuesday, November 23, 2021

By the Sea

West Haven Beach

1 comment:

  1. A very nice series overall, Katrina. Getting outside into nature like this is such a great thing to do. Starting with number one, I really like the horizontal bands and the way you have simply presented it with a compressed telephoto view. I can see you pushed the saturation up quite a bit, and for the foliage that's pretty effective… I'm not quite loving the very blue sky though. The shadows under the cloud should be more of a gray.

    I do like the light hitting downtown New Haven on the second one. To make this work better, I would rotate the image so that the shoreline is parallel to the edge of the frame, and I would desaturate the excess blue out of the sky.

    In number four, the depth of field is somewhat narrow with the foreground and background trees out of focus… I'm wondering what lens you are using? A way to increase the depth of field is to stop down the aperture to a smaller opening. The green buoy does hold your attention though.

    I love the light and the position of the horizon in number five. Look at the rays of God light that are coming down vertically through the clouds and also the yellow glow along the horizon. The horizon is perfectly parallel to the edge of the frame and all these bands of light create a perfect composition.

    Number six is nicely seen as well the clouds are far more delicate here and the seagull flying help center your eye… I would darken the left side of the frame a little bit though to draw the viewer's attention back towards the center.

    I like the composition of number nine very much… Again make the horizon line perfectly parallel it creates a sense of intentionality on the part of the photographer. And look how blue purple the sky is… I would desaturate that back to a more naturalistic look.

    I really like number 10. the light on the water in the foreground and the lone tree, the tall weeds in the foreground and the general austerity of the scene is lovely. To improve overall I would darken the sky a little bit but don't saturate it. Again it is strong with the horizon line perfectly parallel to the edge of this frame.


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